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Former King Gyanendra passes strong message to Nepali citizens

In a video address released just before Democracy Day, former King Gyanendra reached out to the people, stressing that he sacrificed for the nation’s greater good and that others should never view it as a sign of weakness.

He has expressed his strong discontent with the current state of the country. He called for national unity and urged all citizens to join him in protecting the nation’s future.

The former king explained in his message, “We acted out of generosity for the nation’s good. We sacrificed our positions and comforts for the people. Sacrifice does not diminish anyone’s stature, and no one should perceive it as a weakness.” He emphasized that they acted out of duty, not weakness.

He stressed that democracy should be a system that everyone cherishes, one that protects the rights of every class, group, and individual while driving the nation’s progress.

“Democracy should not be reduced to mere debate, conflict, opposition, and resistance,” he said. “It must be a socially friendly and people-centric system. Democracy must be practiced in both word and deed, protecting everyone’s identity and existence.”

Return of monarchy?

The former king expressed his concerns about the country’s democratic system, saying, “For the past three decades, the democratic system we have chosen has failed to bring smiles to the faces of the common people. Those who claim that the system has changed have not been able to improve the situation.”

He reaffirmed his dedication to the nation and its people, emphasizing that he sacrificed for the country’s prosperity in the past and remains prepared to make further sacrifices.

Despite the recent statement made by former King Gyanendra Shah prior to Republic Day, it is unclear if Nepal would ever experience monarchy again. Even though he still expresses his worries about the country’s condition and calls for unification, the political climate in Nepal has changed dramatically since the country overthrew the monarchy in 2008.

The majority of political groups and the general populace appear dedicated to the republican system, and Nepal is currently a federal democratic republic.

“We are at a critical point,” he said. “If we wish to save our nation and maintain national unity, I call on all countrymen to support us in the quest for Nepal’s prosperity and progress.”

The former king’s appeal for prosperity and national unity shows his continued sway over some segments of the populace, but the restoration of monarchy would need substantial constitutional amendments as well as broad political backing, both of which seem doubtful at the moment.

However, the situation is still unstable, and new events could alter Nepal’s political trajectory in the future.

Citizen’s reaction to King Gyandra’s message

There has been a mixed response from the populace to former King Gyanendra’s call for national unification.
Some expressed support for his appeal for national progress and togetherness, especially among those who still revere the monarchy. They valued his commitment to the nation and his readiness to give up anything for its welfare.

All things considered, although the message struck a chord with some, it also caused divisiveness, mirroring the continuous discussion on Nepal’s political identity and destiny

Written By

Aastha Pokharel is a law undergraduate currently serving as a Content Writer at World Info.

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